Looking for a personal trainer in Etobicoke?

Have you noticed your energy levels going down?
Do you struggle when trying to figure out where to begin creating healthier habits?
Does fitting exercise and healthy eating into your life feel overwhelming?


You are not alone – these are common concerns of people I work with.

Discover how a variety of effective, innovative personal training and nutrition coaching programs can improve your health and lifestyle. The focus and motivation Build a Fit Physique provides, will increase your energy, strength and confidence so you’re able to enjoy a healthier, more fulfilled life.

A lot of people need someone to hold them accountable and to provide them with fitness and nutrition knowledge in such a confusing industry. I will share with you, health and fitness tips and tools you can use in the real world, long after our sessions together. This will help propel you to having long term success with your health and fitness goals.


If you’re not happy where you are now, let’s make some changes – no more yo-yo dieting or gym routines that get tired fast.

We need to keep up the energy.

With some real work, we can make a difference starting within 12 weeks.

We’re in this together!

Get ready to experience real results!


In-Person Fitness Training

Enjoy innovative, customized personal training programs designed for you to meet your fitness goals.

Nutrition Coaching

Get tips and tools that will lead you to make healthier food choices for your body type.

Online Fitness Training

Work out when and where you want with customized exercise programs. Tackle nutritional challenges live over Skype.

What They’re Saying

Lindsay keeps your workouts fresh and fun and very motivating… you achieve your goals and work hard!


It really works… I have lost 10lbs and 2 inches from my stomach!”


“Lindsay is super fun, high energy, extremely supportive … and professionally, Lindsay really knows her stuff!”


Lindsay keeps your workouts fresh and fun and very motivating… you achieve your goals and work hard!


It really works… I have lost 10lbs and 2 inches from my stomach!”

“Lindsay is super fun, high energy, extremely supportive … and professionally, Lindsay really knows her stuff!”



What’s more important for weight loss, dieting or exercising?
My personal training clients ask me all of the time if it’s dieting or exercising that will lead them to weight loss. My answer is always… both nutrition AND physical activity are 100% important to good health weight loss. When you combine healthy eating and exercise, you increase the effectiveness of both programs. Learn more about what I mean in my blog What’s more Important – Dieting or Exercising?
What can I start doing today, to begin losing weight?

I’ve learned that when you create and follow a few small exercise and nutrition habits consistantly, you’ll be more successful at losing weight and keeping it off. These are the top five healthy habits that I both follow, and share with my personal training clients, to get us all looking and feeling our best.

How does in-home personal training work?

In-home personal training is when the fitness trainer comes to your door, with all of the required fitness equipment, at a time that works for you. It’s a great style of personal training if you are very time crunched, or if you’d like more privacy while exercising.

I've been working out really hard at the gym, but I'm not progressing, why?

When you perform the same exercises with the same weight load week over week, you will eventually plateau in your weight loss journey. Our bodies need us to change things up in order for progress to continue. Try one of these fun and effective techniques I use to add variety into my fitness training routines.

Does my portion size really matter?

The amount of food you consume, most definitely matters! Many of us eat far too much food throughout the day. This overeating makes it extremely challenging to lose, or maintain your weight. Portion control increases your awareness while eating, thereby leading to less mindless eating. Give these three tips a try to help control your portions.