Happy New Year!

Can you believe that although 40% of us make New Year’s resolutions, only a tiny fraction of us are able to keep them? Research from the University of Scranton shows that only 8% of us are able to achieve our New Year’s goals!

Self-improvement is a hot topic in Canada – it’s why so many of us will be ringing in the new year tonight with a resolution in mind.

So how can you be one of the 8% who have success with their resolution this year?

Try these 4 tips to increase your goal success:

1. Make your goals realistic.

If you pick a couple of goals that you really have a shot at achieving throughout the year, you’ll be more inspired to ‘stick with it’. It’s more sensible to set “small, attainable goals throughout the year, rather than a singular, overwhelming goal,” according to psychologist Lynn Bufka.

2. Make your goals specific.

Don’t just say “I’m going to lose weight this year”; indicate how many pounds and inches you’re aiming to lose and map out how you’ll do it (ie. by exercising at the gym 3 times a week for 60 minutes combining cardio and strength training and by eating 7 servings of veggies daily).

3. Measure your progress throughout the year.

If your goal is to loose 15 pounds and 3 inches off you stomach, weigh yourself and have someone take your measurements and your pictures this month. Perform the same process bi-monthly throughout the year to make sure you stay on track. If you run into a roadblock, work on strategies to resolve it – don’t give up!

4. Write your goals down.

This will make them more memorable and hold you more accountable to achieving them.

Good luck with your resolutions this year everyone!