Most of us work at desk jobs. This means many of us are in jobs detrimental to our health – sitting is after all, the new smoking! Increasing ‘office health’ is critical to our overall well-being; after all, we spend the most hours at work don’t we?
Some of you may be thinking that you’re immune to the effects of sitting because you make it to the gym each day. Working out daily is an amazing habit to be in – congrats! Unfortunately, exercising for an hour a day doesn’t completely offset sitting on your butt for 12+ hours a day.
Sitting too much can lead to:
- Poor overall posture
- Tight and shortened hip flexors
- Back injuries
- Shoulder and neck tension
- Weight gain
- …and more!
Move your body!
The best strategy to keep moving is to get up and walk around every hour. Try walking to the water cooler and filling your glass hourly. This will this get you moving double the amount because you’ll be frequenting the washroom too! And while you’re at it, visit the restroom furthest from your desk to get more steps in. Here are more office exercise ideas.

This push-up version can be performed at your desk.
Fuel your body!
“Out of sight, out of mind!” You have complete control over the food that’s available to you at your desk. Make sure that you bring a baggie of cut and washed veggies with you daily. Leave the baggie in clear sight on your desk, you’ll be surprised how many days you eat the contents without even noticing. This type of handy snack will help keep you away for the leftovers that are often floating around after breakfast or lunch meetings too.
Salads are the best weekday lunch – pack them full of veggies, beans and meat and you’ll be munching on your lunch all afternoon long. Not only will this help your waistline, it will also help you avoid the dreaded 3pm slump.
Hydrate your Body!
Office air is often dry and recycled so staying hydrated is key to your health and skin. Always have a fun looking plastic water bottle on your desk, and keep it full. Make sure you’re drinking at least 2 litres of water throughout the work day and you’ll be in good shape. Much of the time we feel hungry, it’s really our body telling us it’s thirsty.
To sum it up…
If you find yourself sitting on your butt for 12+ hours a day, you’re not alone. Just remember to move around regularly throughout the day. You also have to fuel and hydrate your body properly. Please share any other ‘office health’ tips you are following.