How You Feel Vs. How Old You Are Can Be Decades Apart
The messages out there, about how to stay looking youthful, can be overwhelming. We’re told to use anti-aging skin care products, consume supplements, avoid the sun, and the list goes on…
If you are already in, or heading close to your golden years, try these 5 tips to maintain everlasting youth:
1. Play!
Playing is fun, it encourages creativity and happiness and is key to vitality! Those who play, are seen as fun people who many others want to be around. Self-esteem, mood and confidence is therefore increased by play. Not to mention, laughing is a great exercise for your abs, and it can also lower blood pressure.
2. Perform Strength training.
Those of you who feel decades younger than you are, are probably not strangers to exercise. Working out positively impacts hormones that make you look and feel better so it’s no wonder that it’s on this list. Strength training builds muscles. Muscles help keep your bones strong by supporting them, so they have a chance to rebuild. When you have muscles and stronger bones, the fear of falling isn’t as scary or as threatening. To get started with strength training, all you need is your own body weight.
3. Eat veggies like it’s your job!
Nutrient and vitamin filled veggies are critical to healthy aging. Many veggies contain water, something very important to skin and joints. Veggies are good to our waistlines because they contain fewer calories per cup versus a starchy carb. For example, 1 cup of spinach has 15 calories, whereas 1 cup of rice has about 250 calories. For optimum health, I try to get at least 7 servings of veggies in each day.
4. Rest your mind.
Mental breaks throughout the day are beneficial. Even clearing your mind for 5 minutes a day, can make a huge difference to your memory, patience and the way you respond to life stress. Try finding a quite space to sit and relax your mind after you’ve eaten your lunch. You will feel a renewed sense of energy in the afternoon.
5. Sleep.
Sleeping 7 – 8 hours each night is what our bodies need to really repair themselves. A state of deep sleep is the only time the body can build and renew itself.
We only have one body and a limited amount of time in this world – treat yourself right and you will be thankful! It’s never too late to get started on your healthy living journey.

squat variation with big ball