Does it Matter if you Measure your Fitness Progress?

In short, yes it does. I always tell my personal training clients, “If we don’t measure your progress, how do we really know you’re improving?” When it comes down to it, we all want to be gaining something from exercising hard at the gym, or from eating more vegetables. The trick is to measure the things that matter to you.

Measure What Matters!

Measure what is relevant to your goal.6-Pack Stomach

If your goal is based on what you see in the mirror, things like circumferences (often waist, hips and thighs) and pictures are important. Pay attention to what the mirror telling you. Feel how your tightest clothing fits.

If you’re aiming to improve your strength or endurance, make sure you have a starting point to track from. Write down how many pounds you lift, and how many reps you can complete. Be sure to jot down the kilometres you tackle or the flights you climb during a cardio set.


Be Consistent with Your Tracking!
During each and every personal training session with my clients, I’m tracking something. Whether it’s weight on the scale, waist circumference or the amount of weight that’s being lifted during our session. Sometimes the measurements move favourably, and sometimes they don’t. Regardless of the direction, the consistent tracking will show a trend. It will enable you to take action if necessary.

Use the Measurements to Invoke Change!
When it comes to the world of fitness, change is a necessity to avoid plateauing. If your measurements continue to move in the right direction, you know you are doing something right. You are moving closer to your goal so you probably want to continue doing what you’re doing.

However, if your measurements begin moving in the wrong direction, this is important information too. You know you have to change something in your routine to continue progressing. If you’re really struggling here, you may need to enlist help from a loved one, or a professional to get you onto a different track. Change can be tough, but it’s often necessary to reach a healthier lifestyle.

To Sum it Up…

To successfully achieve your health and fitness goals, measuring progress is important. Be sure to measure what’s important to you, track things consistently, and use the measurements to create a change in your habits, if needed. How will you measure your progress this year, to ensure you meet your health and fitness goals?