Yes! Fitness Benefits Your Mind so Much!

Mental health issues impact so many of us. In fact, 20% of us will experience a mental illness in our lifetimes! Many studies show that all forms of exercise helps lead to better mental health. Exercise has been proven to work as well, or better, than antidepressant medications! As a general rule, the more you exercise, the better you feel.

Personal training - Weight Machine Session

How Does Exercise Help your Mind?

1. Intense Exercise Reduces Depression.
When you exercise intensely, you get out of breath and your muscles start to burn. To help you cope with this uncomfortable feeling, your body releases endorphins to assist with masking the pain and to keep you going. For endorphins to be release, you have to put your body into an uncomfortable state through higher intensity exercise. Exercise also releases serotonin, which is often referred to as the “happy chemical” that relaxes you.

2. Exercise De-stresses by Increasing Your Control.
When depressed, you often feel like life is spinning out of control. You feel helpless against life’s circumstances, like life is just passing you by; which is stressful. Exercising gives you a sense of control. You control when, how hard and how long you exercise. This sense of control over one part of your life will empower you to slowly take control over other aspects.

3. Body Strength Built Through Exercise, Strengthens Your Brain.
Your brain is like your heart. They’re both muscles that need to be given a workout to stay healthy. Exercise gets the blood pumping throughout your whole body, which helps your brain function properly and reduces the risk of getting a stroke. Increased blood flow feeds your brain’s cells with oxygen and nutrients and it helps it grow by developing new cells.

Erin - Testimonial

So Go, Get Active Now!

Start out slowly, gradually building up the time and level of difficulty you tackle. The important thing to focus on initially, is building exercise into your regular routine. Even 15 minutes of intense activity each day is a great start.

Reach out and get help if you need it. Ask your family and friends for their assistance with getting you more active. Some of them may want to join you in your new exercise routine. Team sports, group classes or personal training are also a terrific help. Put together the support system that is right for you.

To Sum it Up…

Mental health issues impact so many of us. The link between exercising more and feeling better mentally has been proven numerous times. Exercise reduces depression by releasing more of your ‘happy hormones’, giving you a greater sense of control and getting your blood pumping! So get out there and just start moving more!