Here’s How to Lose Weight Safely

We’ve all heard the magnificent claims of the magical weight loss solution. The promises of a ‘quick and easy fix’ to losing weight:

Fast Weight Loss Claims

Whether it’s a pill, machine, or diet plan, I don’t believe there’s a safe way to lose more than 5 pounds in a week, and to keep that weight off over the long term.

I’ve heard presentations from actual professionals in my industry, claiming they have the secrets to help a client lose more than 20 pounds in a week! Unless you’re working out multiple hours a day and you have a professional, on-site chef making all of your meals for you (which would consist of only veggies and air), I don’t believe this is possible. Even if you can do it, I still don’t think it’s healthy. I’ve been taught throughout my training that a healthy range of weight loss is 1-1.5 pounds a week (which may even be a stretch based on your current weight and body size), and anything more than this isn’t safe or sustainable.

Fitness Motivation

My experience has shown me you’ll have more success if you try the following healthy weight loss strategies:

1. Give yourself time.

I know from experience, that it takes time to successfully alter your way of eating or to build a consistent fitness regime into your life. Deep rooted habits don’t shift overnight. Giving yourself time leads to a healthier mindset and more positive self talk throughout the whole healthy living journey.

2. Change one thing at a time.

After you’ve successfully tackled the goal you are working on, move on to the next challenge, adding one small, stepped change to your original goal each time.

3. Follow a ‘Healthy Living Continuum’.

A ‘continuum’ mindset keeps things positive for my clients and allows us to celebrate all successes, no matter how big or small they are. My goal is to move my clients towards the centre of the continuum with a little more
progression each week.

4. Be persistentErin - Testimonial

Don’t give up. There will be very challenging days, losing weight is not easy or everyone would be doing it. Understand up front that discomfort is part of process. Great times will happen when you realize how far you’ve come, you feel stronger, more energetic and alive. If you’re feeling down for no real reason, take comfort knowing that soon, you will snap out of it.



In summary, it takes time, consistent action and persistence to make new behaviours habitual. Stick with these healthy weight loss strategies, and if you need to, don’t be afraid to ask for help from your loved ones, or a professional.