Help, I Can’t Get Rid of My Low Back Pain!
Low-back pain affects so many of us. In fact, more than 50% of my personal training clients have been impacted by low back pain at one point or another.
Those of you who have experienced it, know how debilitating it can be. It’s uncomfortable to stand, sit or even lay down. Lifting or carrying anything is downright impossible, and just forget about trying to do any form of traditional exercise!
The good news is, a regular stretching routine can help ease your low back pain and prevent it from bothering you again.
4 Great Stretches for Your Low Back
These low back stretches can be performed with limited equipment, either at home or in the gym.
The Side Bend. This stretch is a deep side stretch that helps loosen up your gluteal & low back muscles. It’s a great stretch to perform if you either sit too much at your desk, or if you play golf.
The Backwards V. This back stretch is such a deep one for your entire back. Stick your butt out further to feel the stretch deep into your low back.
If you don’t have a TRX, just clasp your hands in front of you and stick you butt out. You should still feel this stretch into your low back.
Hip Flexor Stretch. It’s often tight hips that lead to low back pain. Try stretching out your hips with this deep hip flexor stretch, to see if this is your problem:
Remember to reach up towards the sky during this stretch, versus leaning too far forwards.
The Pigeon stretch. This is a fantastic deep hip stretch that really helps people who have to sit all day at their jobs.
Try holding all of these stretches for at least 30 seconds.
What Else Can You do to Avoid Back Pain?
Maintain a good posture. To protect your low back, maintain an upright, engaged posture when at your desk, and avoid staying in any position for too long. I love the option of the standing desk for this very reason.

Use proper form while exercising. Make sure you are in proper form during all of the exercises you perform. If you are new to fitness, it’s probably best to have a fitness professional show you how to complete each of the standard exercises properly. There are a lot of people in the gyms who I see perform exercises incorrectly.
To Sum it Up…
Low-back pain is so debilitating, and it unfortunately impacts so many people. In addition to watching your posture and your form while exercising, try the four stretches I’ve outlined above, to help ease and prevent low back pain. Which stretch felt best for you?