Have you ever been in the midst of finishing the last few bites of a meal, when you know you’ve eaten far too much?
When you feel like undoing the button of your jeans would be the best thing ever? You feel so full that just letting it all hang out is the only answer? When you know you’ve eaten why past your “feeling satisfied”, or “80% full” mark?

If so, don’t worry, we’ve all been there at one point or another. In fact, I still have this feeling occasionally while eating my Mom’s lasangua – it’s my favourite meal in the world and I sadly often have a few bites too much of it! This type of eating often makes us feel uncomfortable, lethargic and frustrated afterwards. It’s not a nice state to be in. So what’s the solution?

Eat Until You’re 80% Full!

When you eat to 80% full, you eat until you’re “just satisfied,” or “no longer hungry”. When you eat this way, you should feel comfortable and energized after eating, and never overstuffed. In fact, there are many benefits to eating this healthier way.

Why you Should Eat Until You’re 80% Full

You eat less.

When you eat until you’re 80% full, you will eat until you’re SATISFIED, not OVERSTUFFED. This habit enables you to reduce your food intake without counting calories. You’ll probably eat slower , which will give your hormones time to kick in, to tell you when you’re actually starting to fill up. When you follow this strategy, you won’t ever have to unbutton your jeans again because of overeating. In fact, you will likely end up having to buy new jeans because you’ll actually lose a few pounds!

You can easily do it all the time, anywhere.

When you pay attention to how you feel while eating, you use body wisdom as the guide. After a few weeks of eating until you’re just satisfied, it will become routine. You’ll easily be able to follow this habit for each and every meal no matter where you’re eating – at home, work, restaurants and even while on vacation. Eating until you’re 80% full is easier to follow than most diets are because you’re still able to eat decadent, rich foods; you just eat a smaller portion of them.

You will gain control over your eating.

Eating until you’re 80% full, creates an awareness about how you feel while eating. It gets you thinking more about what you put in your mouth versus just shoveling handfuls of processed foods into your system mindlessly. When you eat this way, you’ll be able to distinguish between emotional versus physical hunger. You’ll learn the triggers that make you want to eat, even though you’re not necessarily hungry. This leads to you becoming more in control of your eating.

How Should I Start Eating Until I’m 80% Full?

This habit may take a little time to catch on to. Especially if you’re not used to eating slowly and mindfully, like so many North Americans. Here’s how I recommend you get started:

  1. Pay attention. The most important thing to do right away, is pay attention during meal times. Notice and learn your appetite, hunger, fullness cues. Use the same size plates for all meals, and sit at the table while eating. Try making each meal last 20 minutes so that your hormones have a chance to kick in and tell you when you’re full. If you’re a “hands on” learner, place a hand on your stomach while eating, for additional touch cues.
  2. Track how you feel. Writing things down helps make this habit stick. It makes you aware of the meals or situations that challenge you to limit what you’re consuming. Knowing what your challenges are, will help you tackle them. I think Precision Nutrition has one of the best trackers for monitoring how you feel after a meal. If you eat too much during one meal, don’t stress about it, just pay better attention at the next eating occasion.

To Sum it up…Why Eating to 80% Full is Important

Eating to 80% full means you eat until you’re “just satisfied,” or “no longer hungry”. This way of eating leads you to feeling comfortable and energized after eating, versus lethargic and overstuffed. Additional benefits of this healthy habit are weight loss, the ability to do it anywhere and gaining more control over your eating. When you get started with this habit, pay attention during eating occasions and track any challenging situations so you can make corrections in the future.