Aug 17, 2018 | Fitness, Goal Setting
Why Is Exercising So Confusing?!? There are thousands of fitness websites you can view online and millions of exercise moves posted on social media platforms each day. You can find hundreds of exercise videos and pick from a ton of different exercise styles. This...
Last updated Nov 6, 2018 | Exercises, Fitness
Why Care About Core Strength? I spend a lot of time with my clients working on strengthening their cores. First of all, click here, to learn about what muscles the core consists of. I’ll give you a hint, the core encompasses more than just your ab muscles. What...
Last updated Jan 4, 2023 | Fitness, Lifestyle, Weight Loss
Activity Levels Throughout Your Whole Day Matter! If you exercise throughout your evenings and/or weekends, congratulations this is a terrific habit to be in! You probably have more energy and strength than most of your co-workers and friends. However, is working out...
Last updated Jan 4, 2023 | Exercises, Fitness
Hold Your Body Still and Squeeze Tightly! Isometric exercises are performed by contracting your muscles as tightly as you can. These exercises work your muscles without you having to move much at all. The muscle length remains the same for the duration of the hold....
Last updated Oct 13, 2023 | Fitness, Lifestyle, Weight Loss
Personal training clients often come to me with the goal of getting a washboard stomach. Let me clarify first off, what this goal means. What are Washboard Abs? Typically, when people talk about washboard or 6-pack abs, they’re referring to being able to see the...
Last updated Jan 4, 2023 | Exercises, Fitness, Weight Loss
Why Aren’t I Progressing in the Gym? We’ve all experienced it, we workout like crazy in the gym for hours a week, but the scale and our measurements don’t show it. What’s going on? Does Nutrition Matter? Yes, if your eating habits are way out...