Why Measure Your Fitness Progress?

Why Measure Your Fitness Progress?

Does it Matter if you Measure your Fitness Progress? In short, yes it does. I always tell my personal training clients, “If we don’t measure your progress, how do we really know you’re improving?” When it comes down to it, we all want to be...
How Can I Achieve my Weight Loss Goals This Year?

How Can I Achieve my Weight Loss Goals This Year?

Where do I Start if I Want to Lose Weight? This popular question is asked by many of my personal training clients. You’re not alone if you don’t know where to start. Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed to ask this question. Although everyone’s weight loss path...
Can Change Make you Better?

Can Change Make you Better?

If You’re Not Happy With Your Life, Make a Change! Change can be scary and overwhelming at first, but if you truly aren’t happy with some large aspect of your life, change may be necessary. There was a time when I wasn’t fully happy with my corporate...
Time Management – Your Health Depends on it!

Time Management – Your Health Depends on it!

We’re all Time Starved! Here’s how most of us spend our time during the week: 50+ hours put in at the office 40-50 hours spent sleeping 7-14 hours disappear for commuting And we still need to find time for cooking, cleaning, laundry, yardwork…and of...
An Unrealistic Goal can Lead to Unhealthy Thoughts

An Unrealistic Goal can Lead to Unhealthy Thoughts

Your Goal can Shape your Thoughts and Impact your Success I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a potential client tell me they want to lose forty pounds in two months. This very aggressive goal isn’t usually possible, nor is it healthy, and it...