Is a Meal Kit Service Worth it?

Is a Meal Kit Service Worth it?

Do Meal Kits Pay Off? I get asked a lot, if I think food kits are a worthy investment. I’m talking about the companies that ship all of the meal ingredients to your door, for you to complete the final meal preparation. I had never used such a company, so I was...
The Canadian Government Does Care About Our Health!

The Canadian Government Does Care About Our Health!

Food Guidelines That Can Finally Make us Healthier! Although it took them twelve years to finally release a new food guide, Canada has launched a package we should be proud of! The guide’s refreshed format and look make it easy to navigate. What’s New in...
These 3 Actions Will Lead You to Better Sleep

These 3 Actions Will Lead You to Better Sleep

What Can You Do When Counting Sheep Doesn’t Help? Many of us have those dreaded nights when it feels like we’re laying in bed for hours before sleep finally hits. I’ve actually counted up to 1000 sheep on occasion, so I know how painful it can be...
This is How to Eat Healthy, the Simple Way

This is How to Eat Healthy, the Simple Way

Don’t Give Yourself a Choice! When it comes to eating, I teach my personal training clients to take choice out of their eating routines whenever they can. Eliminating food choice helps make healthy eating a habit over the long-term. You are forced to make...