Can the Way You Sit Be Ruining Your Health?

Can the Way You Sit Be Ruining Your Health?

The Way We Sit is Critical to Our Health! We have all heard the term “Sitting is the new Smoking”. Let’s face it, when we are at work, many of us spend most of the day sitting. Because we spend 25%++ of our time at work, it’s important to think...
Tips to Get All You Couch Potatoes Moving!

Tips to Get All You Couch Potatoes Moving!

Couch Potatoes Need to Move More! I will admit it, I’m excited too, that the fall television shows have finally started. Nothing beats unwinding at the end of a a busy day by watching one TV program. I love Lethal Weapon, This is Us and Scandal. I’m also a...
Can Change Make you Better?

Can Change Make you Better?

If You’re Not Happy With Your Life, Make a Change! Change can be scary and overwhelming at first, but if you truly aren’t happy with some large aspect of your life, change may be necessary. There was a time when I wasn’t fully happy with my corporate...
How Can You Feel and Look Younger?

How Can You Feel and Look Younger?

How You Feel Vs. How Old You Are Can Be Decades Apart The messages out there, about how to stay looking youthful, can be overwhelming. We’re told to use anti-aging skin care products, consume supplements, avoid the sun, and the list goes on… If you are...
Cheat Meals Can Help you Lose Weight!

Cheat Meals Can Help you Lose Weight!

Indulging Leads to Greater Healthy Eating Success!! People often give up when they’re on a diet, because they feel like they are missing out on life. Let’s face it, meeting friends at a pub and ordering a water and a veggie salad with the dressing on the...
How Can You be a Healthy Lifestyle Leader?

How Can You be a Healthy Lifestyle Leader?

Healthy Living Success = Change You’re excited about the healthy lifestyle changes you’ve started to implement. Your fitness tracker constantly shows that you’re walking 8,000+ steps a day! You’re really pushing it with your personal trainer twice a...