Don’t Give Yourself a Choice!
When it comes to eating, I teach my personal training clients to take choice out of their eating routines whenever they can. Eliminating food choice helps make healthy eating a habit over the long-term. You are forced to make thousands of decisions daily in the home, car and office. Each morning for breakfast alone, you choose whether to eat eggs, cereal, oatmeal or a shake at home, or to grab a coffee and bagel out. Or you can choose to skip it altogether (which I don’t recommend).
All of this decision making can be exhausting! Why don’t you keep things simple for yourself when it comes to eating healthy?
3 Tips to Remove Food Choice From Your Day
1. Show off your healthy foods.
Stock up on fresh vegetables and fruits each week, and ensure these foods are visible and easily accessible. Always have a bowl of fruit on the counter, washed and ready to eat. Don’t hide your veggies in the crisper, place them front and centre in your fridge instead! Make it so that your veggies are right at your eye level every time you open the fridge.
Making your healthy foods visible and ready to eat, will help ensure that you grab a banana, apple or some carrots and cucumber before making dinner, versus those unhealthy, but tasty crackers.

Keep healthy and nutritious food at your office desk.
2. Don’t have junk food around.
The easiest way to limit the junk you eat, is to keep it out of your home. If you have family members that force the issue however, keep junk foods out of site in hard to reach areas of your pantry. It’s best if you need to use a step stool or chair to get to these foods.
The more challenging you make it to consume these snacks, the less you’ll be tempted by them! Spend a little time this Fall, giving your kitchen a makeover to follow this tip. It’s scary to think about how old some of the things were that I found at the back of my cupboards when I completed my own kitchen makeover!

Completing a kitchen makeover is a great way to start your healthy eating regime.
3. Make healthy meals tasty and fun.
Make your healthy recipes packed with taste and ensure they look exciting. Cooking with bright colourful veggies is the best! This will prevent you from even thinking about less healthy meal options.
To keep things fresh in the kitchen, I’m always testing out new vegetables and cooking methods. With this Fall weather upon us, I love experimenting with roasted veggies. Scope out new fun, veggie filled, delicious tasting recipes and interesting new cooking tools. My favourite kitchen tool this year, is the spiralizer.
To Sum it up…
The easiest way to stick with your healthy eating goals is to take choice out of the equation. Display your vegetables and fruits in areas of your kitchen that you see all the time. Keep junk food out of site, in hard to reach locations. Make your healthy meals look and taste delicious so that you don’t crave other options. These are some of the easiest tips you can use, to stick with your healthy eating goals! What works best for you to keep your eating on track? I would love to hear from you below.