What to do When ‘Fitness Boredom’ Strikes

Oh no it happened…that dreaded day when you stopped racing out of your office at 5pm to get to the gym. Last week felt so different, you were racing to be the first one let into your club, what happened?

It’s probable that you have been struck by the dreaded ‘fitness boredom’ virus! If you’re not continuously switching up your exercise routines, fitness boredom may reach out and bite you next. You need to keep yourself physically and mentally motivated and properly challenged to prevent boredom from sinking in.

Fitness Boredom

Watch out for fitness boredom!

Try these 3 tips today, to keep ‘fitness boredom’ at bay!

1. Switch-up your style.

Changing your technique is a great way to keep your body under enough stress to see continuous progression. My clients know that Tabata (8 sets of 20 seconds of intense fitness) is my go-to workout style when I’m trying to get more out of a routine. I always feel at least one
muscle group the day after a hard Tabata program. Other techniques that are very effective for myself and my clients include super sets, drop sets and other circuit training formats including the ‘Mountain’ and ‘Pyramid’ climbs.


2. Try out a new piece of equipment.

There are so many fitness tools available that will work your body parts in slightly (or largely) different ways, while doing the same exercise. Break away from the classic weight machines and barbells to learn a whole new meaning of the word ‘burn baby burn!’. Some of my favourite pieces of different equipment are the TRX, LeBert Equilizer, Bosu ball and the Ab Roller to name a few.

3. Workout with someone.

Grab a loved one and hit the gym. Your partner will probably be able to share with you, a few different exercises that you’ve never even thought of. If you can’t find anyone to workout with, you can always look into hiring a fitness professional to drive your accountability up. I switch up my clients’ routines at least once a month to keep things challenging, exciting and fresh.

Outdoor Exercise

To sum it up…

In conclusion, be aware of what you’re doing in the gym; track your exercises and progress. If you’re not continuously altering and ramping up your exercise routines, fitness boredom may reach out and bite you next! Altering your technique, equipment and working out with someone, are all great ways for you to keep things fresh in the gym. Please share any thoughts or comments you have!