What’s the Best Way to Grocery Shop?

Grocery shopping, it’s a task that many of us perform at least once a week, but did you know, there are shopping strategies that can help you lose weight?

Here’s the Best Way to Grocery Shop for Weight Loss…

1. Shop the produce section first.Veggies

Try filling up at least half of your cart in the produce section! When you fill your cart, and therefore your fridge with fruits and vegetables, you’ll be more likely to eat more of these healthy, low calories foods. Eating more fruits and veggies is the number one way to lose weight the healthy way! We try to buy enough of these healthy foods weekly, to overfill our crispers.

2. Stick to the store perimetre.

It’s in the outer portion of the grocery store, where you’ll find produce, fresh meats and refrigerated ingredients. The isles are often packed with processed foods high in sugar and trans fats – two things you want to stay away from if you’re concerned about your waistline. Make a game of trying to only go down one isle per shopping trip, if you really have to.

3. Switch up the direction.

Since grocery shopping is a task we all perform regularly, many of us go on autopilot when we do it. I find that by simply switching the direction we walk the isles, we kick ourselves off of autopilot. When you’re thinking about your shopping experience, you may notice new foods. I’ve discovered a few different veggies this way. And as they say, variety is the spice of life! Changing directions will also work your brain more on your trip and make you feel present in the moment, rather than feeling like life is passing you by.

4. Stick to your list.

Following your grocery list will keep you healthier and help you save money. It will deter your from buying those overpriced, processed, impulse items located at the cash registers. A list keeps you organized, focused and will help you complete your shopping trip more efficiently.

To Sum it Up…

Grocery shopping is something we all do. Filling your cart with fruits and veggies, sticking to the outer portion of the store and switching up the direction you shop, are all actions that will help you lose weight. Creating and following a grocery list, is another tactic that you should try if you’re trying to get healthier. Give these tips a try, and please let me know below, which one worked best for you!