I Can’t Seem to Stay on Track with my Healthy Habits, Help!
If you are trying to lose weight but having trouble following the healthy habits necessary for success, try this. Write out in detail, the reasons why you really care about losing weight. The more detailed you are the better.
Some sample weight loss advantages may include:
- So I can fit into (my favourite sundress) again.
- So I can shop at _(Aritzia for the top fashions) .
- To look better so that I feel (less self conscious / more outgoing socially) .
- To increase my energy levels so that I can (try more adventurous activities) .
- To increase my (self-control / confidence / self-esteem / happiness) to move forward with (the dating scene / my career) .
Organize your list in order of importance, placing your biggest, most important advantages at the top of the list.

I’ve Created My ‘Weight Loss Advantages’ List, Now What?
Copy this list a few times and post it up in areas where you frequently are. Locations where you are tempted to fall off the wagon are great places to post this list. The fridge, bathroom mirror, closet, liquor cabinet and computer screen are perfect spots to display your list. Also keep a copy of your reasons why, in your wallet so that you have it with you at all times.
When you post this card all over and always carry it with you, you will review the reasons why you care about weight loss multiple times a day. You’ll feel encouraged to stick with your healthy habits because you’ll remember why losing pounds and inches is important to you. Getting lighter and more toned will become more enticing than eating that brownie, piece of cake or bag of chips. Sticking to your healthy eating and fitness habits will mean more to you than having a few drinks and some greasy food at the pub after work with friends.

When Should I Read my ‘Weight Loss Advantages’ List?
Pull your list out anytime you have a craving or a sabotaging thought that will lead you to fall off the wagon. Many of my clients find that they have to view their lists more frequently on the weekends when they’re out of routine and more likely to be socializing. Remember, weekends account for 33% of our time; we cannot completely ignore our healthy habits from Friday night through to Sunday. This card will help keep you on track during times when you may have slipped up before.
When you read your list, actively envision how important each advantage is to you. Then think about the sabotaging action you were going to take, and ask yourself “Is this action worth sacrificing my advantages for?”. During some special occasions like your birthday, it may be. However, if you regularly find yourself answering this question with “yes, it is worth the sacrifice”, than perhaps you need to spend time re-clarifying why weight loss is important to you. Reconfirm it really is a priority for you right now.
To Sum it up…
Are you finding it too challenging to follow the healthy habits you need to, in order to lose weight? If so, try writing out detailed reasons why you care about weight loss. Post your list up where you feel your most sabotaging thoughts come on. Review your list regularly to help keep you on track during times when you may have slipped up before. Please share below, where you will be posting your ‘Weight Loss Advantages’ card.
Source: The Beck Diet Solution, Judith S. Beck, Ph.D, 2007