Keep Exercising this Summer!
Summer is finally here – which means we all get even busier than usual. There are the BBQ’s and patio outings we now get invited to, the vacation time we are now able to take for cottage trips and camping, and let’s not forget the outdoor yard work that needs to get done. Despite the longer days summer bring us, our time seems to pass even more quickly in July and August.
Here are a few tips you should try, to keep your summer workouts on track:
1. KISS (keep it simple). You don’t need a lot of fancy equipment to workout. Often a pack of $30 resistance bands will do the trick and they’re very easy to travel with – pack them in your suitcase on all summer adventures!
2. Be Consistent. When you pull away from a fitness routine for too many days in a row, it’s harder to get back into your regime. Skipping too many exercise days may stall or even reverse your progress. It’s better to put aside 20-30 minutes almost everyday for a short workout, vs a couple of 2 hour sessions weekly in the gym. If you’re on the road a lot in the summer, pack resistance bands or the TRX suspension trainer with you so you are still getting a complete body workout in while on the road. Have a look at these resistance bands and TRX full body programs I’ve designed:
3. Keep workout equipment in plain site. When you keep your workout clothes and equipment out in the open, these triggers will make exercise more automatic for you. Fitness will become something that doesn’t require much thought in your life.
4. Work large muscle groups. Focus on your quads, glutes, core and chest first. These regions are the large muscle burners; exercises for them will take more energy to compete and they will offer you the largest benefit if you are tight for time.
Summer is my favourite time of year. There are so many fun social and physical activities available to us for only a short time here in Toronto. Enjoy these months, but do not forget about your fitness regime. Exercise is critical to healthy functioning throughout our whole lives. If you would like to learn more about the fitness and health strategies I work on with my clients, please contact me to book a free fitness consultation.