Foam rolling is Key for your Muscles

Foam rolling is a great way to end a workout! It can aid in muscle recovery and keep your body working like a well oiled machine. It feels like you’re giving yourself a self-massage for free, what could be better!?!

Feb12 (4)Why should you use the foam roller?

When you apply pressure to certain points on your body, you can help aid in muscle recovery and assist the muscles to return to normal functioning. Foam rolling is a self-myofascial release technique. It not only reduces muscle soreness, it also helps increase your circulation and the range of motion of your joints and helps remove metabolic waste.

Fascia is the soft tissue portion of connective tissue in the muscle that provides support and protection; it covers all organs and every muscle in your body. Through overuse or inactivity, your fascia may become restricted, which can lead to inflammation or to connective tissue thickening resulting in pain, irritation, and more inflammation. Foam rolling helps to loosen this fascia, to keep your body moving well.

How to use the foam roller

I like to start a foam rolling session by lying down, placing the roller under one leg and slowly roll it across the back of each calf moving at about 1 inch per second. It usually takes 1 minute to roll each muscle group unless I find a sore spot / trigger point. If I hit a trigger point, I slow the roll down and go over the sore spot a few extra times until things feel released. After rolling my calves, I usually work up my body to where I feel I need it the most that day. I use the foam roller with my clients primarily on their calves, quads, upper and mid back and glutes. We never foam roll the low back or the neck, there are too many nerves in these regions. Leave these areas for the professional massage therapists!

After foam rolling, you may be a little sore the next day; your muscles should feel like they’ve been worked and released, however you shouldn’t feel excessive soreness. Drink lots of water and stay rested to help to flush your system and fuel your muscles properly. If you’re sore, wait 2 days before focusing on the same area again.

As with anything new, it’s always recommended to consult your physician or physical therapist and receive approval before starting self-myofascial release. Reach out to Build a Fit Physique if you’d like more information on foam rolling.