Are High Reps or Low Reps More Effective?

Are High Reps or Low Reps More Effective?

I get asked a lot, about how many exercise repetitions a person should perform, for an exercise to be effective. The short answer is…it depends. It depends on: Your fitness goals. Are you looking to build muscle or lose fat?How much you exercise in a week. The more...
Oh No, I’m Injured, Should I Stop Exercising?

Oh No, I’m Injured, Should I Stop Exercising?

So many people come to me looking for exercise assistance after they’ve been challenged with a injured body part. The most common injuries my clients have are shoulder, knee and low back injuries. They are caused by numerous reasons including falling, bad...
4 Exercises to Strengthen Your Deep Core Muscles

4 Exercises to Strengthen Your Deep Core Muscles

Like any muscle group, it’s critical to exercise the pelvic floor to strengthen it. I’ve found that people have the most challenging time building up strength in their deep core muscles. The pelvic floor and transverse abdominal (TVA, the really deep...
How do I Know if My Core Muscles are Weak?

How do I Know if My Core Muscles are Weak?

A lot of people come to me looking for help to strengthen their weak core. This is a great fitness and strength objective because having core strength is critically important! Core muscles get used in every movement and action we perform throughout the day. Our core...
My Favourite Yoga Poses

My Favourite Yoga Poses

Yoga is a great form of exercise that strengthens and stretches you all at once. There are so many yoga poses that get some muscles firing while simultaneously opening up the opposite muscles groups. I especially love yoga poses that help those of us who spend too...