Follow This Strategy for Healthy Living Success

Follow This Strategy for Healthy Living Success

What’s more Important – Dieting or Exercising? People ask me all the time which is more important, diet or exercise. My answer is always…both nutrition AND physical activity are 100% important to your health. Good Nutrition can help you: Shrink...
Stop Thinking of Weekends as a Free-for-all!

Stop Thinking of Weekends as a Free-for-all!

Healthy Weekend Habits Count Saturday and Sunday are just like any other day of the week. The healthy habits and routines that you work hard on from Monday – Friday should still largely apply over the weekend. A lot of us make the mistake of treating the weekend...
Try These 4 Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

Try These 4 Healthy Weight Loss Strategies

Here’s How to Lose Weight Safely We’ve all heard the magnificent claims of the magical weight loss solution. The promises of a ‘quick and easy fix’ to losing weight: Whether it’s a pill, machine, or diet plan, I don’t believe...
5 Strategies to Stay Healthy at 90+!

5 Strategies to Stay Healthy at 90+!

We all want to live healthy, long lives where we’re able to live independently in our own homes. To help prevent many health risks and maximize the activity you’re able to do, being a healthy weight is helpful. A measure our Canadian doctors frequently use...