Last updated Oct 13, 2023 | Fitness, Lifestyle, Weight Loss
Personal training clients often come to me with the goal of getting a washboard stomach. Let me clarify first off, what this goal means. What are Washboard Abs? Typically, when people talk about washboard or 6-pack abs, they’re referring to being able to see the...
Apr 5, 2018 | Goal Setting, Lifestyle, Weight Loss
How Should I Shed My Extra Weight? “Go big or go home!” “No pain, no gain!” “You’re either IN or you’re OUT!” We’ve all heard these sayings, especially when it comes to health and fitness. But are these the...
Last updated Jan 4, 2023 | Lifestyle, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Change a Few Habits to Make Working From Home Healthier I used to work from home at a corporate desk job, so I understand what life is like. It can be hard to remember to eat anything before 2pm, at which time you are starving and race for the snack cupboard! When...
Last updated Jan 4, 2023 | Eating on the Go, Lifestyle
Who Knew the Skills You Exercise in the Boardroom, can Benefit you in the Kitchen?!? Many of the healthy eating skills I teach my personal training clients to use in the kitchen, are quite similar to the skills leaders exercise in their offices everyday. Eat Healthier...
Last updated Jan 4, 2023 | Lifestyle
The Kitchen Makeover of Course! I’m currently working on earning my Precision Nutrition Level 2 coaching certificate. A large part of the way we’re graded, is through practical case studies. This is a terrific way to ensure that we’re able to apply what we’re...
Last updated Jan 4, 2023 | Fitness, Lifestyle
Feel Better and Get Healthier by Simply Breathing! I’ve found that as a personal trainer, a lot of people come to me with questions about how they should be breathing, both when exercising and when living their everyday lives. It’s a good topic to be...