Kickboxing Has it All!

I finally found it, a new tool worthy of my already-quite-full fitness toolbox – kickboxing!

I recently received my Fitness Kickboxing Specialist certification so it’s official – I can start showing my clients how to kick-box! This style of training is a great addition to my current offerings, because kickboxing is an extremely effective cardio and resistance training workout. Studies show that a 45 – 60 minute kickboxing routine can burn up to 600 – 800 calories!

Kickboxing offers participants a ton of other benefits:

  • Increase your muscle strength and toning for your total body. The punching is terrific for your upper body, the kicking is great for your lower body!
  • Lose fat.
  • Improve your endurance, coordination and agility.
  • Relieve your stress (who doesn’t love the punching bag after a long and stressful day!?!).
  • Do it anywhere, even while on vacation.
  • Try it with your partner, it is a lot of fun!
  • Anyone at almost any fitness level can perform kickboxing because the intensity is controlled 100% by participants.
Kickboxing Woman

Kickboxing is a great cardio and muscle building workout.

Here Are a Few Kickboxing Facts and Tips:

Contrary to what I used to believe, kickboxing is NOT an aerobics style class with fighting techniques tossed in. When it is taught properly, participants experience an authentic boxing workout and even learn a few self-defense techniques along the way. Through my certification training, I quickly learned that adding in the boxing gloves and pads is a must. Attacking the pads really adds a level of difficulty that I don’t feel when I simply attack the air.

I teach my routines in 2 minute rounds, so that they replicate real kickboxing rounds. After 2 straight minutes of Jab – Cross and Hook punches, followed by 2 minutes of Squat – Rear Knee Strike combinations, I know even my advanced clients will feel well worked. All within the first 10 minutes of our session!

There is a correct way to stand, use the equipment, and perform all punches and kicks. It definitely pays off from a safety and effectiveness perspective to learn kickboxing from a trained professional.

I’ve been taught that participants should expect to see and feel the biggest benefits within the first 8 – 12 weeks of working out in this style. I’ll report back by the end of the summer the feedback I receive from my clients!

To sum it up, if you’re looking for a great total body cardio and resistance training workout, give kickboxing a try! Please connect with me if you would like to learn more about kickboxing workouts today.