Your Grandparent was More Active Than You!

Your Grandparent was More Active Than You!

It’s all About the Glutes When your Grandparents used to tell you they walked to school 5 miles each day and both ways were uphill, a portion of what they were trying to explain is true. Our ancestors did actually have it tougher than us from a physical...
What are the Best Upper Body Exercises?

What are the Best Upper Body Exercises?

Strong Arms are Sexy! So many of us lack upper body strength. A strong upper body is so critical in everyday life. Arm strength is needed to carry groceries, shovel snow, perform the yard work or housework, and pick-up and cuddle pets or babies! Nicely toned arms are...
What Are the Best Fitness Tools?

What Are the Best Fitness Tools?

My Favourite Exercise Stuff in 2017 & Why As a personal trainer, many of my clients and friends often ask me what my favourite fitness tools and exercises are. Here’s what I tell them. My Favourite Exercise Equipment I’ve gotten simpler with my tools...
What are The Best Abs Exercises and Why?

What are The Best Abs Exercises and Why?

A Healthy Core Leads to a Strong Body! My Personal Training clients often come to me with their #1 goal being to shrink and strengthen their abs. Building a strong core is a great goal because these muscles are part of every activity you do. They keep your spine safe...
How Can You Burn More Calories on a Business Trip?

How Can You Burn More Calories on a Business Trip?

How Can you Make Business Travel Healthier? Make your next business trip a healthier one, by fitting in exercise for one thing. Nutritious eating is also important, I’ve covered this concept in my earlier blog, “What Does Healthy Eating on a Business Trip...