4 Tips to Keep your Summer Workouts on Track

4 Tips to Keep your Summer Workouts on Track

Keep Exercising this Summer! Summer is finally here – which means we all get even busier than usual. There are the BBQ’s and patio outings we now get invited to, the vacation time we are now able to take for cottage trips and camping, and let’s not...
A Miracle Fitness Move that Anyone Can Do

A Miracle Fitness Move that Anyone Can Do

A Miracle Fitness Move that Anyone Can Do If something could prevent and treat numerous health issues including heart diseases, strokes, arthritic pain and depression, aid in weight loss, you could do it anywhere and if it was free…wouldn’t you want to try it?...
5 Exercises to get you Ready for Summer

5 Exercises to get you Ready for Summer

These 5 Exercises Work your Whole Body I can’t believe the first long weekend of summer 2016 is over already! I don’t know about you, but I managed to squeeze in 2 workouts over the weekend and a round of golf, between having a terrific summer kick-off...
Try this Exercise tip now to Prevent Injuries

Try this Exercise tip now to Prevent Injuries

Fitness Warm-ups help Prevent Fitness Injuries by Lindsay Atkinson Some clients love it, some hate it, but I force them ALL of them to do this at the start of EVERY ONE of our fitness sessions together…the fitness warm-up! There are many reasons why it’s...
The ‘Core’ Fundamentals

The ‘Core’ Fundamentals

Core Strength Clients often come to me with their #1 goal being to strengthen their core. This is a good goal because these muscles play a key role in every activity you do – they keep your spine safe and body aligned when you’re sitting at your desk, completing...