How Can I Limit my Eating Out Occasions?

How Can I Limit my Eating Out Occasions?

Since the pandemic, most of the places I’ve eaten out at, have increased their prices by at least 30%! I’m sure you’ve experienced this as well. It is very easy now to spend $30 for a lunch out. Dinners with one glass of wine are often over $70. If...
Should you use a Food Tracker Forever?

Should you use a Food Tracker Forever?

I’ve talked about the benefits of using a food tracker in the past. I believe so much in food tracking, I’ve been doing it for one year now. However, food tracking is often the first healthy eating habit to go after a person has reached his or her goal...
What’s Better Than Dieting?

What’s Better Than Dieting?

I’ve shared with you, why I don’t think dieting is the best way to lose weight. In fact, I think weight gain almost always results after a true diet is over. Dieting is a never-ending cycle that often causes real harm to your metabolism, hormones, muscles,...
Should you use a Food Tracker Forever?

Is it OK to be on a Diet Forever?

Do you ever wonder why, despite how gung-ho you are at the start of the process, you can’t seem to stick to any diet you’ve tried, for long? Dieting is challenging because it incorporates either some type of food restriction, undereating requirement or...