Last updated Feb 27, 2017 | Nutrition
Take Time to Smell your Coffee (Along with the Roses!) Have you ever been to a buffet restaurant, and taken off like a rabbit to the food line-up? You manage to squeeze in a couple of plates of food, and surprisingly find that you have to uncomfortably roll yourself...
Last updated Feb 27, 2017 | Nutrition
Your Processed Food Belongs in the Trash! We all know eating healthier helps shrink our waistlines, but what if you’re happy with your weight – does eating better really matter for you and more importantly, what’s in it for you? There are a ton of...
Last updated Feb 27, 2017 | Nutrition
We Often don’t Think about Food Safety, but it’s Important to your Health I don’t know about you, but I’ve taken the occasional item out of my fridge or freezer, and thought that it hasn’t always tasted or looked the freshest....
Last updated Feb 27, 2017 | Nutrition
3 ‘Must Have’ Kitchen Tools Author: Lindsay Atkinson ‘Tis the season for ‘Spring Cleaning’! It’s often our kitchens that can use the most help in the cleaning department. I don’t know about you, but our Toronto home has a tiny...
Last updated Feb 27, 2017 | Nutrition
Fermented foods are so healthy! by Lindsay Atkinson Our Ancestors have been eating fermented foods for centuries, however, it’s a recent practice that fermented foods are no longer viewed to be only side dishes or toppings. Consequently, items like sauerkraut...
Last updated Feb 27, 2017 | Nutrition
Is Milk good or bad for you? There’s a lot of controversy about milk right now. You’re probably aware that two really popular eating styles, Vegan and Paleo, both restrict dairy so there must be something bad about it, right? Here are a few facts about...