My Favourite Instant Pot Recipes

My Favourite Instant Pot Recipes

Many of you guys have heard me talk about how much I love my Instant Pot. When I recommend this kitchen tool to others, the number one pushback I hear is that it’s too large. Yes it’s true, the Instant Pot is quite large so you’ll have to figure out...
3 Simple Healthy Cooking Shortcuts

3 Simple Healthy Cooking Shortcuts

It’s a new year, when so many of us are looking for a fresh and healthy start to our eating habits. A lot of us need a healthy kickstart after eating all of the calorie rich foods we’ve just enjoyed over the holidays! It’s great to have this...
How to Stop 5 Pounds of Holiday Weight Gain

How to Stop 5 Pounds of Holiday Weight Gain

The holidays are only a few weeks away now. Although they are going to look a lot different for many of us, due to the social distancing rules being enforced in Ontario at least, it’s a fact that most of us are going to increase our calorie intake by 40%-50%...
Why We Like Barbequing all Year Round

Why We Like Barbequing all Year Round

Does it seem odd that I’m writing a barbequing blog at the start of fall? This is the time when most people move their cooking inside and cover up their barbeques until the spring weather arrives once again. Hearty soups and stews cooked in the oven often become...
Long Live the Recipe Book!

Long Live the Recipe Book!

School is either back, or almost back in full swing and things around your house have probably gotten a lot busier! This is no reason to put healthy weeknight dinners on hold. Follow these steps right now, to build your unique easily accessible, recipe book filled...
Why I Love Growing my Own Veggies

Why I Love Growing my Own Veggies

I have talked about growing my own vegetables for a couple of years now. I just didn’t get serious about it until COVID-19 hit. This global pandemic forced many us to stay around our homes more; making us slow down a little, and try some new hobbies. Vegetable...