The Real Dangers of Salt Exposed!

The Real Dangers of Salt Exposed!

Salt Lurks Everywhere, it Can’t be That Bad, Can it? Did you know…77% of the sodium in many of our diets comes from processed & restaurant food! Only 12% of the sodium most of us consumes is naturally found in foods and we only add ~10% of the sodium...
The Best Kept Secret to Healthy Eating

The Best Kept Secret to Healthy Eating

Plan your Meals! Meal planning is a vital part of healthy eating. I allocate 1-2 hours each week planning out my meals and shopping for the necessary groceries. I treat meal planning like a regular job I have to complete weekly. By completing my meal planning tasks on...
My 6 Favourite Foods-Meals and Why

My 6 Favourite Foods-Meals and Why

Foods and Meals that Help me Eat Healthier I of all people, know that it takes work, planning and preparation to eat clean. My general goal when it comes to food is to try eating as many nutrient rich, healthy foods, while limiting processed items. I think about food...